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The Final Battle
May 25th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: The Final Battle
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Crossovers
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort and Cartman
Author's Notes: Crossed with South Park...you mean to tell me no one else has done this?

Through his snakelike eyes, Voldemort watched dispassionatly as the boy was dragged in. “Who are you?”

Cartman flared, “Who the hell are you?”

Voldemort rose, “I am Lord...”

“Wait, wait, let me guess.” Cartman interupted, “Some damned Jew gonna take over the world?”

“Avada Ke...”

Fast for his size, Cartman pulled out his night stick and leapt onto Voldemort. “You will respect my authoriti!!!” He screamed as he smashed Voldemort’s wand into a thousand pieces, breaking the spell holding his life. “Well that was easy.” Cartman said as the Trio rushed in, late, “Screw you guys, I'm going home. “

mood: amused
audio: Creed - Higher