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How Was It?
July 1st, 2005
By Wulf

Title: How Was It?
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Pansy and Hermione
Challenge: Misunderstandings
Word Count: 100
A/N: Kind of a sequel to Truth in Pain but stands alone well. Just imagining the fallout, not to mention the gossip, if certain parties were ever caught in a compromising situation, either real or imagined on the part of the rest of the school…

“So, Granger,” Pansy’s sneering tones echoed throughout the bathroom they presently occupied, “How was it last night?”

Hermione shot her a puzzled look, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t bother playing innocent,” Pansy raked a hand through her hair, “We all know about it.”

Loosing her patience, Hermione snapped, “About what?”

Arching one eyebrow, a gesture patently copied from the Malfoys, Pansy insinuated, “You and Draco, of course. Last night, on the tower.”

“You shouldn’t gossip, Pansy.” Hermione hid behind a false smile; she owed Draco her silence if nothing else. “You wouldn’t want to misconstrue things you know nothing about.”

mood: cheerful
audio: The Musack on the Phone...ugh