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March 17th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Memories
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Me, Myself and I
Rating: PG
Characters: Ginny or Hermione
Author's Notes: Harry dies in the last battle so it could be either one.

I remember the last train ride I took back from Hogwarts. I remember being in the car, listening to the clack, clack, clack of the train on the rails. I remember watching the rain sheet down on the windows. I remember the horrid numbness that had no room for tears yet.

I remember my friends descending on me to ‘cheer me up’.

I remember screaming at them to leave me alone before threatening to hex them all to hell and back again. I remember leaning my head on the icy glass, wishing that I could be as cold as you.

mood: mellow
audio: Soul Asylum - Runaway Train