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Dark Mark Burning
June 16th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Dark Mark Burning
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Worse things I could do.
Rating: PG
Characters: Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Voldemort mentioned
Author's Notes: Newly wedded bliss...or something.

"Bella, please, don’t do this." Rodolphus grabbed her wand arm, disrupting her appartation spell, "Don’t go to him, I am begging you."

Bellatrix hid her seething emotions; never mind what she wanted, not when her Master called her, "I have to." The Dark Mark burned...

"No you don’t." Rodolphus was scared, she could see him shaking, "Please, if you love me, you will stay here with me. Safe."

"Safe?" She laughed, a coldly derisive sound, "Believe me, were I to do as you ask, neither of us would be safe. No, it is best to do as my Lord commands."

mood: amused
audio: Indigo Girls - All Along the Watchtower