Title: My Life
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Cross Overs
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry, Hermione, and the writer
Author's Notes: Crossed-over with my life. To be more specific, last weekend while I was at the Ren Faire in Atlanta...a weekend we were supposed to be together. And it’s all true...well, except a 29 year old can hardly be called a girl. Also, I don't know if this truly can count...I mean, it IS a crossover with my life but I dunno if that is true to the spirit of the challenge...Oh, and by the by, it's a Pensive they've fallen into...
Hermione and Harry walked the Rennaisance Faire, following the girl in Viking dress with tragedy in her eyes...apparently caused by her boyfriend dumping her at his mother’s insistance.
Unfair and rotten.
"This is when the Knight is supposed to return," Hermione hissed, sitting in the pub, watching the woman hide her tears, "and beg his Lady’s forgiveness."
Harry frowned, "I don’t think he’s coming."
A hand closed on both their shoulders, "No, he never did." As they turned to see the woman from the memory, she smiled sadly, "Time to return to your world. It’s a better place than mine."
mood: sad
audio: Indigo Girls - Prince of Darkness