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Payback’s a...
June 10th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Payback’s a...
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Summer Break
Rating: PG
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe
Author's Notes: Someone gets what she deserves

Marietta did not realize at first what she had done. No, it wasn’t until she was home for the summer and had not received any letters from any of her friends in over two weeks, when she finally realized that something was going on.

Frantic, she dashed off quick notes to all of her friends, sending off the family owl with all her pleas for answers.

Just as she was beginning to give up hoping for a reply, her owl returned bearing a single letter...

You are a filthy traitor, Marietta.


Tears splashed the page, "What did I do?"

mood: accomplished
audio: Aqua - Jungle Song