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Denial/The Rescue
March 31st, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Denial
House: Gryffindor
Rating: R
Characters: Ron, Harry, Hermione and parents mentioned
Challenge: 100
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes:  For Terri Schiavo

“Severe mental damage.  No hope for recovery.”

Harry slumped down in the horrid waiting room of the Muggle hospital, hearing the words pound in his ears.
“If you move her, it will kill her.”
Ron joined him on the floor, tears of anguish streaming down his cheeks, visions of her falling replaying before his eyes.

“Leave us alone!  She is our daughter!”

100 hours of waiting in a horrid room, smelling strongly of disinfectant, before being summarily escorted out by the Muggle police officers.  It seemed Hermione’s parents did not want them there…not even to allow them to save her.

Title: The Rescue
House: Gryffindor
Rating: R
Characters: Ron, Harry, the MoM, and Hermione
Challenge: 100
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes:  For Terri Schiavo

They went to the Ministry of Magic where they laid out their case before the Minister.  His orders to seek legal recourse with the Muggles instead of using magic to save Hermione did not go over well but they agreed to try that route first.

The Minister did pressure the Prime Minister for them.

On the 100th day of the fight, the courts handed down the decision.  In defiance of the Muggles and the Minister’s orders, Harry and Ron smuggled her out of the hospital and into St. Mungo’s.

On the 101st day, Hermione opened her eyes, alive and whole.

mood: high
audio: Ani Difranco