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March 17th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Falling
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Me, Myself and I
Rating: PG
Characters: Hermione
Author's Notes: She tripped and fell for (Harry/Ron). Take your pick.

I trembled the first time you touched me as more than a friend. Did you realize just how badly that single touch, your hand on mine, affected me? I know you got it when you grazed my cheek with your fingertips and I shivered and gloried at your touch...

I just want you to know that I willingly tumbled headlong over the cliff, heedless of the potential consequences and I won’t ever regret it. No matter what happens.

It wasn’t that hard to fall for you, you know. After all, it’s just a short step between friendship and true love.

mood: mellow
audio: Soul Asylum - Runaway Train