Title: The Dark Mark
House: Gryffindor
Rating: G
Characters: Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus
Challenge: Choose your own adventure
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: Chapter 9, GoF, The Dark Mark…one more to go and of course it’s the hard one…
One night, a thunderstorm settled over Hogwarts, crashing and shaking the castle to the foundations in its fury. As Narcissa and Bellatrix reclined in the Slytherin common room, they watched with cat-like eyes as Regulus stumbled in, dripping water everywhere.
As Narcissa opened her mouth to complain, Regulus leveled a glare at her, the fury of the storm echoed in his eyes, and she snapped her mouth shut, shuddering under the intensity of his gaze.
Finally, Regulus gathered himself and stumbled off to his room, absently rubbing his forearm as if it pained him.
The Dark Mark burned all three.
mood: accomplished
audio: Cranberries CD