Title: Dilate
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Cross Overs
Rating: PG
Characters: Pansy, Draco alluded to
Author's Notes: Don’t know if a song crossover actually counts. The lyrics are from Ani Difranco’s Dilate and are bolded as well as italicized. Draco just dumped her. And the damn me too is also from Labyrinth which I realized after I wrote it.
Pansy slammed the door behind her and dashed up the stairs. Just wait, just wait til you get into bed and your pillow can muffle the tears. "How could he?"
Making it to her bed, she pulled the pillow over her head and screamed into it, trusting the feathers to muffle the sound. "Damn him! And damn me too."
Rolling over, her frantic hands found her cd player and dropped the headphones over her ears. As the music throbbed, Pansy could only lay there and cry, "And I just want you to live up to/The image of you I create."
mood: amused
audio: Ani Difranco - Dilate