Title: Summer Son
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Summer Break
Rating: PG
Characters: Percy Weasley
Author's Notes: Only one with a shred of anything not dark or disturbing. The rest of these get progressively darker as you go along.
The only clue Percy had that the seasons were changing was the fact that it was now sunlight when he got home instead of night. Not that it mattered to him one way or another; the important work he was doing at the Ministry of Magic did not depend on time except as a deadline.
As he walked up to his front door, he heard the sounds of children playing. Drawn to the sound, Percy crossed the street and stared at the children on the playground, remembering his own childhood. That night, he started a letter...
Dear Mum and Dad,
mood: accomplished
audio: Aqua - Jungle Song