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Anemone - Prologue

"What have you done?"

The horror on Buffy's face as Willow turned to look as her best friend struck Willow to the bone. For one brief second, Buffy could see the flash of the old Willow before the agony and the rage took over again. Willow turned her back on Buffy, refocusing on Warren; throwing herself into hatred and evil, the same way that she used to throw herself into the good and the happiness. Buffy was rooted to the floor as she watched Willow tear Warren apart, as she allowed her best friend to murder another human.


Buffy woke up with a shudder, quelling the scream that was rising in her throat. How many times do I have to dream that same dream? How many times do I have to loose my best friend? Sitting up in her bed, she dragged her hands through her hair before getting out of bed to pace the floor. Not surprisingly, when she went downstairs, she found Xander awake still. He had given his apartment to Anya and moved into Willow's old room in the Summer's house after Willow left them.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Xander said as he saw her coming down the stairs.

Buffy looked at him, saw how tired he was, "Xander, go to sleep."

He looked at her, wooden features, "I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, I have that dream again." He looked down at his hands before saying softly, "I miss her."

Buffy smiled slightly and said "Me too," knowing that neither she nor Xander could have said which of the three women they missed more.

Anemone - Chapter 2 - Setting Up