This part of my site is being dedicated to my best character for any roll playing game in the world.
She and I have a really long history together as I invented this particular one for a book that I started
writing about 5 or 6 years ago. To tell you the truth, I really don't have a clue when her official
birth date is. Anyway, she has been graciously conceding to come play online with my RPGing
buddies and, in return, she has demanded her own part of my website. (When someone that could
cheerfully slice you in two with any number of common household
appliances, let alone a real weapon, asks for things like web space, may I suggest that you agree
This is actually a good thing for Keth
(and for myself) so that we can stop
explaining some of the things about her
and just post pictures instead. The
picture below is what she would look like if I
let her dress like that and certainly
what SilverFalcon would prefer that
she wear (but only for him)!. As soon
as I get some more pictures, I
will add them onto the site but for
right now, Keth will have to be content
with what we can find on the 'Net. If you
wish to learn more about this stubborn
half elf, please click on the links for her
character sheet (modified using some
EQ rules but mostly with D&D rules -
ignoring the rules that didn't work well).
Keth's Character Sheet
Keth and SF Picture
Current Sig Pic for Keth
Soon to be added -
(Keep in mind that I have to find someone
to draw these as I cannot draw at all!)
- Keth's Pictures
- Pictures of her tatoos and jewelry
- Pictures of SilverFalcon