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Hive Build - Assembly
Monday, December 3, 2019
By Wulf


To assemble the pieces, the first thing you have to do is glue (I think we used rubber cement) the bottom square piece to the bottom of the ball. Clamp and let dry.

Next, take the lights and feed them through the top of the cap, getting all of the lights inside the assembly. Insert the handle into the cap and run the cotter pin through the handle.

Lid With Pin and Wiring

Take your needle nose pliers and feed the lights through the center of the cork and into each of the holes you drilled. You can do it with your fingers but it is a lot easier with pliers. Make sure to keep the insides neatly packed or the cords will become an issue. Use a twist tie to keep them orderly.


Hive Housing


Seperated View

Gotta test out the lights!

Unassembled with Lights

Finally, you want to glue the housing together. You can glue the cap to the reducing coupling first, clamp, let dry and then glue the male adaptor to the ball or you can do what we did and glue everything together all at one time. Just make sure that you have 2 days to let the glue completely cure.

Assembled No LightsAssembled Lights On

Finally, attach it to your backpack, turn on the lights, and take some amazing pictures!

Hiding in a DoorwayHiding Around a Corner