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Hive Build - The Hook
Monday, December 3, 2019
By Wulf

The hook of the Hive has a pretty distinct shape that is just easier to make than it is to find something similar enough to use.

Using bolt cutters, we cut up an old wire shelf that we had taken down (YMMV) - cutting a 4'' section of the bigger support wires and grinding the edges down from cutting off the rest of the wires.

Wire Shelves

Once you have whatever wire you are going to use (it must be thick), bend it into shape. We did this working the metal cold (my acetylene torch was completely out) with the shop vise, a ball peen hammer, and a lot of sweat equity. Once it is bent into the correct shape, put it on an anvil/other metal surface, take your ball peen hammer and flatten the handle out on the two big sides.

Basic Hook

Drill a hole in the handle far enough down do that your PVC cap will have room to sit and run a small piece of your hobby wire through your hole - basically, it's a poor man's cotter pin. You want the hobby wire to nestle into the lid and hold the handle fairly static. Plasti dip the hook.

Hook With Cotter Pin