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ISAC Build - Set Up
Monday, October 3, 2016
By Wulf

The following is a step by step instruction manual for how I built my ISAC for my Tom Clancy's The Division cosplay that I wore to DragonCon 2016. A lot of other cosplayers have chosen to 3D print or construct from cardboard or EVA foam. I went with wood because a) power tools, b) EVA foam does not exist in North Carolina, and c) it was way cheaper. Well, it was cheaper until I had to buy a new power tool - it's not a real project until you have to do that and you bleed on it.

Trust me, I bled on mine.

For this instruction set, I will post the sizes of things that I remember and the tools that I used but this should not limit you from making different choices or using different tools along the way. My carpentry kit is no where near as complete as I will have it some day (I wish I had space for a table saw and a miter saw, to start with) so, if you think a different tool will work better, go for it.

I didn't even know, for example, that there are power planers out there until I went to my dad's house. I hand planed my ISAC...

ISAC Build - Supply List
Monday, October 3, 2016
By Wulf

List of Tools that I Used:

  • Drill
  • Jigsaw
  • Dremel
  • Mouse sander
  • Hand planer
  • Chisel
  • Spade Bits (1 1/8 and 1 1/2 in)
  • Nail file
  • Jewelry files
  • Metal Shears
  • Clamps, more clamps, go to home depot and get more clamps because the ones you have suck...
Materials List: