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Cosplay Intro Sticky
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
By Wulf

I am relatively new to cosplaying - my first cosplay, don't laugh, was Zoey from Left 4 Dead but she was easy - finding the pink track jacket was the hardest part. There are a ton of sites out there that will tell you where to find clothes, this space is dedicated to how I made parts of my costumes (if not the entire thing, it depends on the costume). I haven't quite decided what all has value so I will post the things I made if I cannot find them easily in Google.

Tom Clancy's The Division
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
By Wulf

I started this cosplay before I even played the game - I caught Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins on Amazon Prime and was like a) I have to play that game and b) I have to cosplay that game. For this cosplay, I built the ISAC brick, tactical pulse, seeker mines (I cheated and used grenade pouches so I won't bother posting that build), Dark Zone loot bag, painted my M1A, and got most of the clothing on Amazon.

I plan on getting the ISAC brick, pulse, and the DZ loot bag instructions on this site ASAP. Hell, the brick is completed and posted already, minus the lighting details. I hope to have that up shortly.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Cosplay Additions
Monday, December 9, 2019
By Wulf

As Ubisoft released the Division 2 in March 2019, I have made a ton of changes to my gear (thank you for getting rid of those ridiculous sling bags) and have built out a new gadget for my cosplay. I decided to build the Hive because I love the way it looks in the game and I selected the Restorer mod mainly because a) I love green and b) it's the mod I use most in game. After building the Hive this summer with the help of my boyfriend, we debuted it at DragonCon Labor Day weekend in Atlanta. Apologies for the late writeup, this year has been a touch insane.