They sat on the roof of a building, silently sharing a bottle of something or other between the two of them. Cast in the shadows, one could tell that one of them was female and one was male but that was about it. The shadows hid the rest and neither of them were speaking. Of course, at this point, the two of them no longer needed words to communicate. Not since they had united with a common goal in mind and had found other things along the way. They watched and they waited, looking for all the world like a pair of gargoyles hanging over the town.
"So that is the last $25 that I owe you, Anya." Dawn said as she handed Anya a twenty and a five. "Thanks for not hauling me into jail for, you know, shoplifting and stuff. And thanks for letting me work here to get the money to pay everyone back."
Anya turned to take the money from Dawn, "It's ok, Dawn." She smiled, a tired smile but the first real one that anyone had seen since her disaster of a wedding. "I am happy that you decided to work off your debt, it has been a lot of fun having you here in the Magic Shop with me."
"Yeah." Dawn said, remembering all the hours she worked over the summer just to avoid being in the house with Xander and Buffy, neither of whom were particularly thrilled with the idea of Dawn working for Anya. It was not that they didn't trust Anya to watch out for Dawn, it was the emotional residue between the three of them made for awkwardness if not downright meanness. It was almost like having Spike around to snipe at Xander but of course Spike was gone too. Dawn mentally sheid away from that thought, the only time that she allowed herself to think of Spike was when she wrapped up in his duster and went to sleep. Neither Buffy nor Xander knew that Spike had left his duster, nor did they know that Dawn had it. They would have taken it away from her if they knew. "So like, now that school is starting back up, can I still work here part time?"
Anya smiled again, "Of course you can work here after school and on the weekends. But don't neglect your homework, I don't want Buffy breathing down my neck."
"No, no of course not." Dawn said hastily, "Course Willow won't be here to help me with my computer courses and Tara with english and stuff." Both women looked saddened at the mention of the two names, the pain was less now and they could talk about it some but it still hurt.
"I can help you with your history, you know." Anya said brightly as she put up a couple of books, "I was there for most of what you will be studying. I can also help you with your math assignments so I think you're covered."
Seeing the tenson in Anya's face, Dawn reached over and squeezed Anya's hand, "He misses you, you know. And he still does love you."
Anya looked at Dawn, one tear slowly rolling down her cheek, "But he doesn't love me enough." She said simply.
"Hi guys, how was work?" Dawn asked Xander and Buffy as she walked into the house into the kitchen. "I officially paid back my entire debt to society today but Anya said I could cut back to part time and still work at the Magic Shop, if it doesn't interfere with homework and stuff."
Xander's head snapped up at the mention of Anya's name, longing and hunger starkly apparent in his eyes before he covered the emotions up under a boyish mask. Both Buffy and Dawn pretended not to see the look in his eyes as he said, "That's great, Dawn. So, now, what was the lesson that we learned from this particular adventure."
Dawn rolled her eyes and played along, "Don't steal because you will always get caught sooner or later. But, you know, I actually feel really good for finally paying all the merchants back and I am really sorry, you guys. I just wanted, you know, some attention and stuff." As their faces both fell, Dawn smiled and continued hastily, "But it's ok now, really. I mean like I learned a valuable lesson that I will never forget and we are more like a family now, you know? So it's all good."
"Well, we try." Buffy said, sharing an almost parental look of pride with Xander. The two of them, with Anya's help, were raising Dawn and turning her into a real human being. "I don't have a problem with you working through the school year if you want to Dawn. Just remember that working will curtail your extracurricular activities and that you are so not allowed to spend all of the money that you make."
"Actually," Dawn said, looking down at the floor, "I want to give the money to you two. To, well you know, to help out with the bills and stuff. I mean, I know that I don't make a lot of money but every little bit helps, right?"
Both Buffy and Xander looked floored by Dawn's generous offer. Finding his voice first, Xander said, "Dawn, honey, you don' t have to do that. Buffy and I have it covered."
Buffy spoke as well, "Dawn, Xander is right, he and I do have this covered."
"But I want to help." Dawn insisted, furiously willing her tears out of her eyes. Here they go, treating me like a kid again. "I mean, it doesn't seem fair, I don't get to help with Slaying or researching and now you won't let me help with the bills. I just want to help, ok?"
Buffy, seeing the tears well up in her sister's eyes, softened immediatly. "Dawn, you shouldn't have to help us pay for stuff. I mean, you are still in high school and you don't even need to have a job. But since you do want one, neither Xander nor I are going to stop you. I have to insist that you spend your money on yourself, you have like your whole life ahead of you to worry about paying bills. Why would you want to take on that kind of responsibility at your age when you don't have to?"
Dawn smiled at Buffy and threw Buffy's words back in her face gently, "Buffy, I have to."
Buffy stiffened as she heard and remembered the splintering of the universe around them, high on that lonely tower, blood streaming down Dawn's arms. She remembered the wind whipping through her hair, remembered how she was no longer afraid any more, remembered what she told Dawn before leaping. Snapping herself back to the present, Buffy smiled tenderly at Dawn and said, "Yes, I guess you do." She turned to get something out of the fridge and said, "Ok but half of the money you will save, a quarter for rent, and a quarter to blow. Sound cool?"