Buffy came home on her lunch hour to see Oz playing on his guitar and singing one of his songs to a starry eyed Dawn. She paused in the doorway and watched the two of them, smiling and laughing at each other, and thanked the powers that be that Oz had come home. It seemed that Oz was helping Dawn to break out of the shell that neither she nor Xander had been able to crack, no matter how hard they tried.
As if her thoughts had summoned Xander, he and Anya walked in the door just as Oz was starting to play with the melody for the "Leaving" lyrics that Dawn had given him. The three of them basically froze in the doorway as Dawn hesitantly began to sing the verses, with Oz providing the counterpart to the melody. When the two of them finished the song, the room stilled for a minute before Xander, Buffy and Anya broke the silence with applause.
Dawn snapped her head up and flushed bright red, "Buffy, Xander, Anya...what are you doing home?"
"I came home to check on you." Buffy said, "Dawn, that was wonderful, keep singing for us."
Xander and Anya chimed in with their own praise as Dawn blushed brighter and brighter. Taking pity on her crimson cheeks at last, Oz pulled Buffy with him into the kitchen. "She wrote that song, Buffy. And it is about Spike" He told her as she was making herself a salad to eat.
She paused for a moment, hanging her head over the table, "I know." She fiddled with her hair for a second, "Dawn misses him enough for the both of us. I could kill him for leaving her like this but what would that solve other than to make her hate me?"
The tragedy and the irony of the situation struck Oz like a lightening bolt, "Buffy, what will you do if you do have to kill him?"
Buffy looked at him with haunted eyes, looking much the same as when she decided to end the fighting between her and Angelus. "I will kill him." She closed her eyes as she said it, feeling the pain from that statement even though she denied it for herself, preferring to pretend that the pain that she felt was for Dawn. "I won't want to do it. But I will if he makes me." *Please, gods, don't make me have to kill him too. I don't know that I will be strong enough to do that.*
Oz placed a sympathetic hand on her arm, lacking the words to say anything else.
Willow came down the stairs, looking for Spike. She found him, lounging in a chair, watching Passions. "You still like watching that show, love?" She questioned as she curled up beside him.
He pulled her closer to him and rubbed her arm, "Gods, I love it when you wear all leather, Red." He said, playing with her hair, "It's a stupid show but, it's amusing and stuff." He pulled her into his lap and caressed her back.
Arching playfully under his hands, she posed for him. Now that she was a vampire, she found that she liked herself that much more. Enough to feel comfortable wearing skin tight clothing, anything that showed off her curves, but she especially loved the leather. It made her feel all that much more potent as a woman, something that the magic also gave her, but without the side effects. "I like leather." She said, playfully licking her red lips, "It makes me feel all bad inside."
"I know, love." Spike chuckled slightly, lifting one eyebrow in a sardonic glance, "It makes me want to eat you. I can imagine that is quite the power trip for the witch."
Willow purred as she caught his lower lip between her fangs, "You had better believe it." Pulling back from him slightly, she asked, pouting, "Is it time for us to play yet?"
Spike shifted his weight to support her as she leaned back, "Not quite yet love, we still have a couple of hours before dark."
"Good." Willow purred and slid back into his lap, "I hate waiting. Keep my mind occupied?"
"Love to." Spike growled. "Do you want to play love?"
Willow brightened considerably, no longer pouting, "What do you want to play?"
In response, Spike lunged forward, capturing her wrists with his hands. Wide eyed, she allowed him to tug her forward against his lap, making no move to save herself even as he ravaged her mouth. Finally, she gathered her wits and pulled back, trying to escape his touch, knowing all the while that would drive him crazy. "Come on, love, you know that you want it." He growled and pulled her back into his lap. Putting both hands in one of his, he ran his free hand down her face, down her neck, onto her breast before squeezing once in warning.
"Let go of me." She hissed and struggled to get away.
Laughing, he swept her into his arms and stood up. "You don't want to get away love." He promised her before heading for the stairs. "A little girl like you, flaunting herself before me, squirming all over my lap, showing off that lovely neck of yours. You want me to do this to you." Climbing the stairs, he almost dropped her as she bit his arm. Eyes glowing hotly with desire, "You will pay for that, Red." He promised. Kicking in the door to their room, he dropped her on the bed, crushing her beneath his weight. "Come on now," he crooned, "Be a good girl."
"Never." She hissed, eyes glowing with the power that she held over Spike, "I will never be a good girl."
With one hand pinning both of her hands to the bed, Spike loosened the ties to her shirt with his other hand. Lowering his head, he licked, suckeled, bit, and nuzzled until Willow was gasping and squirming underneath him, trying to pull him closer to her. Still holding her down, he stripped of his clothes and took hers off as well before capturing both of her hands and rolling on his back, pulling her on top of him. "I think you are lying." He accused and slipped one hand between her legs, "Good girls would have screamed by now." He worked his fingers back and forth, "And good girls wouldn't get all wet when I did this to them." Flipping her over again, he pinned her arms to the bed and lowered his head down between her thighs, bringing her to the brink of orgasm, stopping her from it by biting down on her tender flesh.
Screaming, she tried to pull him closer, to finish what he started, to ease the pain of the bite with the release of pleasure. Not wanting to beg for it, still her mouth fell open and shamelessly, "Spike, please don't stop."
"Why should I not stop?" He asked, tracing the lips of her vagina with one finger, flicking the sensative flesh with his fingernail.
Willow squirmed and bucked underneath him, "Because I want you." She gasped out. Sensing that he needed to hear more than that, she moaned, "Because I love you and I am your bad girl and I want you to fuck me hard. Please Spike, just fuck me."
Accent thickening, Spike murmered, "Gods, I love it when you talk dirty. Do you want me to hurt you?" He asked. When she nodded, he vamped out and entered her, biting down with his fangs and his fingers on her tender flesh, bringing both of them to a screaming orgasm within moments.
"Buffy?" The voice on the other end of the phone was Angel.
Gasping in surprise, Buffy exclaimed "Angel?" She had just walked in from work to hear the phone ringing and picked it up. "How are you?" She asked, trying to still the surge of love for Angel that she still felt so deeply all other men paled in comparison.
Angel smiled into the phone, relieved to hear her voice and loving her still, "Buffy, you are in trouble." He warned, "Cordy had a vision last night. It was not clear enough for her to make it out well but she said that you are going to have some terrible choices before you that you will have to face. She almost threw me in the car to get to you."
"Oh?" Buffy asked, Slayer senses on full alert.
"Yeah." Angel said, "I am going to come down there tonight." He hesitated for a moment, almost as if he could sense that she was going to tell him no. "Don't argue with me about this one, Buffy. I have to be there. Something in Cordy's dream was insistent on it."
Buffy slowly sank to the floor, mind racing, "Ok." She said and continued before she could catch herself, "I love you." The tears welled up as she said it, feelings she had buried for so long rising to the surface, "I'm sorry." She rushed to apologize, "It's still a habit with me."
"It's ok." Angel said softly, wondering at Buffy, at the raw honesty in her voice. How could she still love him for so long, with so much between them? He loved her still but he was amazed at her capacity to love him, to forgive his sins, even as he wondered at himself for still loving her. "I will be there later on tonight. And Buffy," He paused for a second before closing his eyes, admitting what he had buried for too long as well, "I love you too."