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- Myrddin Keep
- Kethryn
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Kethryn's Character Sheet - page 3

HOBBIES/INTERESTS - dancing, swordplay, riding, reading, walking the Moonpaths
OTHER ABILITIES - singer (she has a lovely well trained soprano), pocket picking (something she learned on the streets as a child), scaling walls, actually all around getting into places other people would not touch with a ladder and a grappling hook
BACKGROUND INFO– Keth’s father, a full drow, Recognized her mother when a band of them were pillaging her village Keth’s mother, Breeanna, was even married at the time to another man who left her for good after that, claiming that she was a whore not worthy to be his wife. Breeanna, being nobody’s fool, cut her losses, looted what she could from the village and walked to her Uncle’s keep in Soale Quallentsi. She had Keth there, telling everyone that Keth was the product of rape to make it more acceptable for humans to accept. Since Breeanna was minor nobility and bent on doing her duty, Keth did learn all the intricacies of court life; the etiquette, the deadly pitfalls, etc. Allowed to roam free almost at will when she was through with her court lessons, she did, not realizing that her mother gave her that freedom so she would not have to face a daughter that grew more elven and more foreign every day. Keth grew up, learning to be a princess on one hand and also running the streets and the forest like any peasant. The only thing that her mother ever flat out insisted on was that Keth follow the Goddess. When Keth developed her empathic powers and found out exactly what torment she was causing her mother, she left home. Breeanna gave her Nightshade, some money, and, more importantly, a slot with a Blade Singer’s apprentice. Neither one of them ever looked back.
PERSONALITY - Almost animal shy wildness to her nature, once you convince her that she can trust you, she is loyal to the point of naiveté. She would rather die than hurt or be hurt by someone she has an emotional bond with so she does not let anyone too close. Quicksilver temper but doesn’t really hold grudges. Stubborn and proud, she hates to admit when she is wrong and hates to apologize even more. Tends to be brood, if you leave her alone too long she can sink herself into a deep depression or let her imagination run wild with all sorts of “freak you out” thoughts. She will NEVER admit it but her greatest fear is being left alone. When she does love though, she puts her whole heart and soul into it, never stinting or holding anything back

The First Page
The Second Page