Currently, Myrddin only has four Guilds in the Kingdom; the Bardic, Mercenary, Mage, and Assasin's Guild. Each guild has their own unique structure, policies, and politics as autonomous organizations that are international.
The Bardic Guild (link coming soon) - The bard maintained the oral tradition of a people and his/her business was knowing the business so to speak. A bard knew what's happening at court, which nobel was allied with what house, that the crops failed in the west and the drought had finally ended in the east. Moreover, the bard can regale his fellows with stories of past glory, songs of derring-do and mystery. Thus is a people's history, culture and values maintained. The Guild was formed to unite the bards in order to deciminate information, enhance the educational possibilities for bards, and offer protection to her members. They also kept an eye (sometimes a finger or a hand) on the politics of the Kingdom they here inhabiting.
The Mercenary Guild - The Mercenary's Guild is one of the oldest institutions in the land, and has chapter houses in every major city on the continent. According to legend, it was founded in a now abandoned city in the desert; and it's first members were paid guards on the caravans. It's over a thousand years old, and had a chapter house in Myrddin before King Melios died. The purpose of the Mercenary's Guild is to establish and maintain standards for mercs in its local area, to try to keep merc fees as high as possible, and to defend mercs against the depredations of unscrupulous employers. In the past, the Mercenary's Guild has been known to make and unmake kings and potentates in some of the cities and kingdoms where it operates. The current Company operating in Myrddin is the Blaided Tocyn, a bonded Company run by Captain Dariach. To apply for the Mercenary Guild, you need to fill out our application.
The Mage Guild - The Mage's Guild has always been a place for people to gather and exchange knowledge and to share new skills and spells. There have been many illustrious guildmasters/guildmistresses to run the hall. The Mages Guild is always looking for new members. A major requirement to be a member is the desire to learn and share new ideas and information. The Mage Guild currently specialises in six schools of magic: Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Illusion, Divination, and Natural Magic (herbs, minerals and gemstones, incenses, brews).
The Assasin's Guild (link coming soon) - The purpose of Assasin's Guild is to provide assassin who are willing to kill anyone, for a price, to the people that will hire them. They will aid others if they are compensated, and are given the choice to accept of refuse a mark at their discretion. The Guild ruthlessly crushes rivals organizations seeking to do businees in their city.