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The Mercenary Guild

We, the founding fathers of the mercenary guild, have banded together to form a guild for mercenaries. All associated with the Guild, be they member or patron, doth, upon reading and signing this document, agree to follow all policies, guidelines and rules outlined herein...

Article 1 - Joining
     A. Members -

1. All those who qualify can join the Guild. Since this is a mercenary company, the Guild reserves the right to discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed, attitude,handicaps, veterans, nationality, race and whomever else we choose not to accept.
2. To join the Mercenary Guild, thee must pay the membership dues Consisting 60 silver (or 3 gold pieces) per year to become a bonded fighter. To become a freelance fighter, thee must pay 40 silver (or 2 gold pieces) per year. Thee can pass muster and pay at the Guild hiring hall in a town near you.
3. If thee is judged unfit, thee is unfit. Go bother someone else.
4. We do not guarantee that thee will survive with us. If thee dies, thee should have moved faster.
5. The Guild doth reserve the right to terminate your membership at any time (but we don’t like doing it so don’t make us).

     B. Patrons -

1. All patrons to the Mercenary Guild will be accepted on a ten week trial basis. If, if that time, thee does anything we do not like, we will walk from the
contact. If we walk, half of thy money will be returned to thee.
2. All payments to all Guild fights will be within thirty (30) days at the end of the battle. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.
3. We do not guarantee that our Mercenary Companies or individual Fighters will win thy battles for you. By reading this disclaimer, thee agrees not to hold the Guild liable for the outcome of thy battles.
4. To become a patron, thee must post a 1,000 gold piece bond with the Guild.

a. If thee does nothing wrong, then the monies will thusly be rolled over to the next year.
b. If thee is fined, the fines will be taken out of the bond first and thee has to pay whatever is left. Then thee will have to post bond again.
c. If we terminate your agreement with us thee will receive the bond back if thee is in good standing with us. If not, thee will forfeit thy bond.

Article 2 - Companies - A company is the largest that the Guild will provide in terms of available fighters
     A. Freelance Companies -

1. Freelance companies fees per year are 500 gold pieces to the Guild.
2. If a freelance company is captured, the patron pays the ransom fees
3. Freelance companies can work with bonded companies
4. Bonded mercenaries are allowed to go with a freelance company however the reverse is not true.
5. The fee for using a freelance company is set by the Captain of the company.

     B. Bonded companies -

1. Bonded company fees are 1000 gold pieces per year.
2. If the company is captured, the ransom is paid by the Guild.
3. Bonded companies can work with freelance companies.
4. Bonded mercs cannot work for a freelance company but freelancers can be accepted to a bonded company.
5. The fees for using a bonded company are set by the Captain however the minimum is outlined here

a. Short term (3-6 months) - minimum 2,000 gold pieces to be paid as either half refit and half gold or gold only.
b. Medium term (6 months-1 year) - minimum 4000 gold pieces and must pay for housing.
c. Permanent - 6,000 per year plus upkeep.

6. The Captain’s word is law however disputes between either patron or mercenary can be brought to the Guild for mediation.

Article 3 - Rules and Regulations
     A. Bonded/Freelance Mercenaries

1. All mercs will obey the laws of the town that they are in.
2. All mercs will honor surrender flags from another Guild company or a standing army. Guerrilla fighters are not included in this.
3. Dues will be paid on time or the merc will be removed.
4. The Captain’s word is law.
5. If thee must separate from thy company, thee must do so on the off season and not while promised to either short or long term contract. Permanent assignments are not included in this. Thee can, however, retire at any time, never to work for the Guild again. Extenuating circumstances will be considered. If thy leaves on short or long term contract, be aware that most companies will consider thee a deserter unless proven otherwise by the Guild.

a. If over half of the officer corp. is disabled, then thee can server thy contract with no penalties.
b. If thee hath not been paid thy far wages within 3 months of them being due, thee can server thy contract.
c. If thee is wounded in combat, thee can server thy contract.

6. All disputes between Captain and merc will be mediated by the Guild if necessary.
7. Deserters can be shot or hung.
8. No fighting amongst thyselves unless it is training.
9. Thee must keep your Guild badge on thee at all times.

     B. Patrons -

1. All patrons will pay dues on time
2. Patrons will pay ransom demands for freelance companies/fighters or be fined by the Guild
3. We reserve the right to refuse service to any without a duly notarized contract signed by the payee and the Captain of the company.
4. Companies decide whom and what they will work for.
5. The Guild will mediate all disputes between Company and Patron and all judgments will be final.
6. All fines will be paid promptly.

     C. Companies -

1. The Captain can set any rules and regulations that will not conflict with the ones outlined here.
2. Pick and choose thy battles carefully.
3. Thee has the right to refuse a patron at any time before the contract is signed.
4. If the contract is signed, thee will fulfill it. If not, and the extenuating circumstances do not warrant thy actions, thy company will be disbanded and all monies forfeit.
5. If over half of the officer corp. is disabled, thee can walk on the contract as a hopeless cause.

     D. Hopeless causes - we reserve the right to tell our companies to walk on ANY contract that we deem as a hopeless cause.

     E. Deities - the Guild has no official policy on what people worship. In fact, we don't care other than to state that thee will follow the company guidelines regarding worship.