All members who request admittance to Myrddin Keep are signifying that they are aware of these rules and agree to abide by them.
In Character Conduct
The IC folders are for IC posting ONLY. Posting out of character information in an IC folder detracts from the storylines.
While this is a fantasy realm, players should strive to keep their characters believable, especially for the medieval setting. Neither God-like characters nor futuristic characters are allowed. Signatures must also be appropriate for the medieval theme; just as the right signature enhances the play, the wrong signature takes away from it. Duplications of signatures are not allowed.
Everyone within the Keep is expected to keep their weapons at their sides. Anyone caught brawling or fighting within the Keep's wall will be brought before the authorities. Pets are to be kept under control or will be thrown (along with the owner) out of the keep or the pet shall be destroyed.
Within The Palace, the Temple, Myrddin Tavern and the Clinic it is forbidden to carry weapons unless you have relevant permission from the authorities.
No god-modding.
Within the Entire Realm -- IC and OOC
No spamming, profanity or abusive language.
No non-RPG religious postings
Remember, this is not a pick-up Forum
Flaming or defamation of other forums will not be tolerated.
References to other forums that have nothing to do with a storyline or plot are not to be made.
Any major storylines that will affect the Keep as a whole -- wars, invasions, diseases, etc. -- should be cleared by the staff prior to their introduction. This prevents the interruption of certain individual stories that may be adversely affected by the creation of a dominant plot. If a member has an idea for such a storyline they are welcome to discuss it with the staff privately and work something out.
The best justice is swift justice. Depending on the severity of the offense, warnings will be given prior to action. Every member and every circumstance is different, but rest assured that members will be given the opportunity to fix mistakes before punishment is meted out.
Infractions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and dealt with accordingly.