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Employment within the Kingdom

Paladin - Holy fighter for his/her religion
Knight - A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion
Mercenary - Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain. Hired for service in a foreign army.
Soldier - One who serves in an army. An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer. An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.
Shopkeeper - One who owns or runs a shop
Farmer - One who works on or operates a farm.
Stablemaster - Keeper of the Stables
Blacksmith - One that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer.
One that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes.
Fletcher - Maker of arrows
Tailor - Maker of clothing
Cobbler - Maker of shoes
Carpenter - A skilled worker who makes, finishes, and repairs wooden objects and structures
Mason - One who builds or works with stone or brick.
Wheelwright - One that builds and repairs wheels
Wainwright - One that builds and repairs wagons.
Potter - One who makes pottery.
Brewer - Maker of ale or beer from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation
Glassblower - someone skilled in blowing bottles from molten glass
Actor - A theatrical performer
Bard - A poet, especially a lyric poet.
Weaver - One that weaves
Dyer - A person who colors materials and makes the dyes used.
Sailor - One who works on a sailing vessel
Sheperd - One who tends to sheep
Clergy - The body of people ordained for religious service
Tanner - One who cures hides to produce leather and fur goods.
Farrier - One who shoes horses.
Tinker - A traveling mender of metal household utensils
Chandler - Candlemaker
Undertaker -one whose business is the management of funerals
Fisherman - One who catches fish for profit
Butcher - One who processes animals for meat.
Herdsman - An owner or a breeder of livestock
Dairymaid - One who makes milk, butter, cream, and other dairy products