Myrddin Keep
- Wulf's Den
- Myrddin Keep Home
- Myrddin Keep Links
- About Myrddin Keep
- The History
- Religion
- Character List
- Employment
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- Royal Household
- Court Functions
- The Guilds
- Travel Info
- Staff Conduct
- Player Conduct
- Myrddin Keep Staff
- Kethryn
- Seeking Answers
- A Discovery and a Memory
Myrddin Pictures
- Myrddin Lands
- King of Myrddin
- The Queen of Myrddin
- Myrddin's Heraldy
- Arch Prelate
- Keth's Heraldry
- Under Construction

About Myrddin Keep

Some have been remembered, some have been forgotten, and all of them began just as stories, told in the light of fires and enhanced by the others who shared them. Do you have such stories within you?

Then, venture inside the gates of Myrddin Keep. Construct a written dream, or build a literary nightmare.

Create a legend, one that only you can create...

Myrddin Keep is waiting.

This forum is a Free Form Role Playing Game, set in a wondrous combination of popular fantasy and the medieval days of 14th Century Europe. The members here create a character and then weave intriguing tales about them, either by writing stories on their own or interacting with other players.

If you would like to participate, then there are three things you need in order to get started: a Delphi account, a Biography, and a Signature.

First, you must have a Delphi account. To get one, all that you need to do is go here and fill out the form.

Second, you must write a Biography of your character for the Bios and Sigs folder. A template listing the required information may be found here

Finally, you will need an appropriate signature for your character. A signature is a visual representation of some aspect of your character's personality. It does not need to be a picture of what your character looks like – although that is the most popular type – but rather it can be a picture of anything you believe tells others something important about your character. If you need assistance in creating a sig, then we can help.Go to the Myrddin Seamstresses and they can assist you.

Once you have your Bio and your Sig, you post the information in the Bios and Sigs folder.

Now you are ready for the Main Gate. Most folders inside Myrddin Keep are In Character (IC) folders, and IC folders are used only for the interaction and playing of Myrddin’s characters.The Main Gate is an IC folder, so you must present yourself in character to the Gate in order for you to be admitted inside.

Once you are inside, take a look around! See where your character might fit into a story, or start a thread on your own. The choice on how you play is up to you.

And, if you have any questions, please feel free to post them in our OOC folder.

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