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Truth in Pain
June 30th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Truth in Pain
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Draco and Hermione
Challenge: Misunderstandings
Word Count: 100
A/N: Damn, never wrote this before...hope you like it.

She found him at his spot, not surprised that he was crying again. Ever since Lucius’ incarceration, he’d been sneaking up here and no one, least of all the Slytherins, knew what to do with Draco.

He’d heard her approach, even over his tears, "Come to laugh, mudblood?"

Hermione couldn’t even begin to be offended, not when he sounded so miserable, "No." She sighed, "I want to help you."

"Sure you do." He said bitterly, staring at his knees, "You probably want to help me off the tower. You hate me, remember?"

Truthfully, Hermione whispered, "I never hated you, Draco."

mood: artistic
audio: Sarah McLachlan - Fear