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July 7th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Fear
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Harry
Challenge: Independence
Word Count: 100
A/N: This is a bit of a continuation of Overcharged by bluejeanphoenix   (or maybe a retelling of the story from a different point of view) so please don’t be offended by the subject matter (ie, the London bombing). I write to deal...

At 8:51, the explosion rocked the MoM . Drawn to the window, Harry stared, horrified, Hermione was supposed to be...

Ignoring wizarding law, Harry apartated to the street,"Hermione?" He yelled, trying to find his best friend.

How could he find her in this mess? Too many people and too much damned confusion! Desperate, Harry pulled out his wand, not sure if it would work, "Accio Hermione."

He turned and there she was, swaying on her feet, bloodstained but whole. "Hermione!" Running to her, Harry kissed her, "I love you." He whispered, the idea of loosing her finally freeing his heart.

mood: shocked
audio: Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams