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The Midnight Duel
April 28th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: The Midnight Duel
House: Gryffindor
Rating: G
Characters: Harry and Hermione
Challenge: Choose your own adventure
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: Chapter 9, Sorcerer’s Stone, The Midnight Duel…only two more to go…

Ever so quietly, Hermione slipped out of the dorms, following barely understood instincts that drove her onward regardless of whether or not she thought it was an intelligent idea.

She met Harry on the stairs and the two of them walked in companionable silence, occasionally brushing against one another in the tight confines of the stairwell. Unlike normal, that casual touch seemed to promise more and Hermione was breathless when Harry finally drew her into his arms for a kiss.

As the mist settled in, the two of them had their own midnight duel, written in the language of love.

mood: accomplished
audio: Cranberries CD