Title: A Different Kind of Magic
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Hermione/Ron
Challenge: Root
Word Count: 100
Notes: A silly one...
"Hermione, what on earth are you doing with that thing?" Ron asked, peering at the shiny object in Hermione’s hand.
Hermione touched the pad with the metallic stick once more and smiled at the screen, "Mum and dad sent me this new P.D.A. this morning and I have been reprogramming it to work at Hogwarts."
"What’s a P.D.A.?"
"It’s a small computer."
"What’s a computer?"
"An electronic brain."
"I thought muggle artifacts didn’t work here."
"They don’t, normally." Hermione touched the screen once more and showed it to Ron, "I just hacked into the root system and changed the programming."
mood: amused
audio: Sarah McLachlan - Wait