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The Breakup
May 14th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: The Breakup
House: Gryffindor
Rating: G
Characters: Salazaar and Rowena
Challenge: The Founders
Word Count: 100
A/N: True conversation. Damnable as it is. But I do feel better for writing it out.

“I’m not going out with you tonight.” Salazaar took a deep breath and continued, “I need to think. I’ll talk to you later.”

Rowena felt an ice cold chill settle in the pit of her stomach and, shocked to her core, was unable to stop the words that flowed from her lips, “Are you dumping me?” Dead silence greeted her question, damnable and damning, and she hissed, “I knew it.”

“I will talk to you later.” Salazaar replied, sounding as he if rather regretted the entire conversation.

She would forever regret the words that came tumbling out next, “Don’t bother.”

mood: sore
audio: Depeche Mode - Strange Love (how apropoe)