Title: Blending Shadows
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Worse things I could do.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Characters: Ginny and Draco
Author's Notes: I wrote and rewrote and rewrote and erased and rewrote this one about seventeen times before I came up with this. It’s still not right. Suggestions?
Upon her return to Hogwarts, Ginny started having panic attacks. Defying all logic, she realized she could only snap herself out of the panic by retreating to the dungeon and wrapping herself in shadow and solitude.
One day, Draco found her. Or maybe she found him. It didn’t matter. With his hands buried in her hair and his teeth on her breasts, nothing else mattered. Not even their mutual hatred.
Her friends and family would kill her if they knew.
None of them would understand that fucking Draco was still better than what she’d done in the MoM last year.
mood: irritated with my writing
audio: Lifehouse - Somewhere in Between