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March 16th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Confessional
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Me, Myself and I
Rating: PG
Characters: Bellatrix
Author's Notes: Just a talk between Bellatrix and someone in Azkaban, prolly a Ministry official of some sort. She is only somewhat lucid and rambling; she has been in here for some time at this point. The longer (and better) version is Here

Pain is everything. 

You, wrapped in a mantle of false civilization, repressing your baser instincts, can never understand this.  You cannot conceive that only in pain can we find perfection in ourselves. 

The Dementors are coming.  Can you feel them, as repressed as you are?  I thought not.  You have not comprehended it yet...

You might want to leave unless you’re ready to choose.  The Dementors will force it on you, ready or not, and you’ll loose your civility.  Is that what you want?

I choose to turn into the pain, to embrace it.

What will you choose, I wonder.

mood: amused
audio: Ani DiFranco