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Drabble - HPB Spoilers Ahead

Attitude Adjustment
July 18th, 2005
By Wulf

Title:  Attitude Adjustment
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Bellatrix and Draco
Challenge: Changes
Word Count: 100

“Three.  Legilimens!”

Sweaty and disheveled, Draco glared at his aunt, forcing his mind closed.  Suddenly, something happened and Bellatrix paled…

…But why can’t I be friends…They are mudbloods, darling.

…You don’t love me?  Well, I hate you.

…You will marry Lestrange and that is final!

…Your insanity will only sustain you for so long, Lestrange.  The Dementors will win in the end.

…Master, please forgive me.  I didn’t mean to fail you.

In the memory, Voldemort Crucioed Bellatrix until she screamed her agony.   Draco broke the mental connection and stared, fighting the urge to be sick.  Why would anyone choose…

mood: amused
audio: Alanis Morisette