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Blood Rites
July 5th, 2005
By Wulf

Title: Blood Rites
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13 (adult themes)
Characters: Bellatrix and Voldemort
Challenge: Independence
Word Count: 100

Silently, Bellatrix drifted down the path, the sleeves of her white acolyte robes fluttering in the night. She climbed over barren rocks to the crypt, thrice knocking before discarding her robes and crossing the threshold. They waited in a circle, opened only to the west, forcing her entry point.

Undaunted by her nudity, Bellatrix strode into the circle and knelt before Voldemort. Whispering, He traced the Last Rites; using blood to mock the sacred.

“Taste your freedom.” False promises, deaf ears. Bellatrix drank blood from the grail, “Death Eater.” He triumphed, lifting her for ritual kiss, branding her His property.


A/N: I know we know nothing of how the DE’s are actually initiated nor do we have any indication that any of the WW use ritualistic magic so pardon my fantasy for being less than cannon. I actually had to do a bit of research for this one...hope you enjoy. Anyone know what the opposite of three is? That was the only one I couldn't reverse.

mood: creative
audio: Crash Test Dummies - God Shuffled His Feet