Title: Someone You Love
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Worse things I could do.
Rating: PG
Characters: Andromeda and Narcissa
Author's Notes: Inspired by Better Man by Pearl Jam...of course, it completely twisted from what I’d intended. Hell, I wasn’t even planning on writing about Narcissa or Andromeda for what I’d originally plot bunnied.
"There are worse things I can do than be with someone who loves me." Narcissa flared at Andromeda, her accusation ringing in her ears.
Lifting a eyebrow, Andromeda sighed, "Worse than using someone? I suppose killing someone is worse than that. Depends on your point of view."
Spitting, Narcissa replied, "What the hell would you know about it?"
"Not much, according to you." Andromeda sniped back, "But you could be with someone you love."
"I love Lucius."
"Sure you do." Backing off the biting sarcasm, Andromeda continued, "You love his power, his influence, his name. You do not love him."
mood: irritated with my writing
audio: Lifehouse - Somewhere in Between