Title: Berry Merry
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Andromeda, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and their mother
Challenge: Misunderstandings
Word Count: 100
A/N: Just for the record, those of us in the south do tend to pronounce bury like berry and marry like merry...so that should make this drabble make more sense, hopefully.
"Ted asked me to marry him."
"What did you say, dear?" Mother smiled, that sickeningly false smile I hated, and played deaf, "That Muggle boy asked you to bury him?"
Ever the sycophant, Narcissa snickered, "She did, didn’t she?"
Bellatrix smiled maliciously at me, "Does he want you to kill him as well, sister? Shall we do it for you?"
I stared at the three of them as they discussed my fiancé's imminent death and burial, too shocked to be outraged. Finally, I sighed and quietly left them to it; they would figure it out when they got the invitations.
mood: amused
audio: Garth Brooks - The Dance